Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Best Types of Celery to Grow in the North

Tango Hybrid Celery

Celery is a great vegetable to try growing, even in the north. Normally, I’d suggest a variety that takes 70 days or less to mature to fit our growing season, but since celery is slow to grow, I did my best to come up with some varieties to try.

Celery Varieties

Conquistador: Early variety - good for growing in the north. Produces tall, crisp stalks that are full of flavor. Adapts well. 80 days.

Tango Hybrid: High-yielding. Produces crunchy, sweet stalks ready for harvest 2 weeks earlier than older varieties. Resists Fusariums. 85 days.

Leafy Celery Varieties

Safir Leafy Celery

Safir: Peppery and crisp in taste. Produces abundant, leafy tops and lots of thin stalks. Harvest as needed. 78 days.

Celeriac Varieties

Monarch Celeriac

Prinz: High-yielding. Variety produces uniform roots large in size and creamy white in color. 95 days.

Sources: Park Seed Co., Generic Seeds, Johnny's Selected Seeds


  1. Ventura is a great variety to grow here in Maine. It has some tolerance to fusarium. 80 days. My eight year old started it from seed last year and we had enough to supply the neighborhood and then some!

  2. Thanks for the tip! I'll be sure to check Ventura out. I think it's great when kids get into gardening :)

  3. These tips are very important for me, as I live in North and just love to grow healthy vegetables. If there edit research is needed, one can apply
